Furnished room, No Key money, No agent fee, Guarantor not required.

How to travel from the Narita Airport o Fujimi House

Arrival lobby

Please note that the lobby you arrived at may be different according to the airline you used. Please refer to the link below

When you use Narita Express train

There is a Narita Express going from Narita Airport to Shibuya station. No matter which terminal you use, the lobby you arrive at is on the first floor, and the railway platform is at underground 1F.The first terminal is Narita Airport station, and the second terminal is airport second building station. It takes about one hour and a half to Shibuya station by Narita Express.

If you use airport limousine

No matter which terminal you use, the bus station is at the same floor (1st)with the lobby you arrive at.
Please refer to terminal 1, please use (1) and (10) bus stops, for terminal 2, please use (7) and (17) bus stops. It takes you about 75-125 minutes to get off at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel or Excel Hotel Tokyu.